Dr. Elisabeth Rodriguez Heck
Senior Optimization Engineer
Dr. Elisabeth Rodriguez Heck
Senior Optimization Engineer
Dr. Elisabeth Rodríguez-Heck holds a BSc in Mathematics from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (Spain), a MSc in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France), and a PhD in Economics and Management Science from University of Liège (Belgium). During her PhD thesis she worked on linear and quadratic reformulation methods to solve nonlinear optimization problems in binary variables. Prior to Gurobi, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Operations Research at RWTH Aachen University (Germany), where she also taught face-to-face and online courses on integer programming. Elisabeth is passionate about Operations Research and Optimization, she has five journal publications and two conference publications, and has given over 20 talks at international conferences. In her free time, Elisabeth enjoys traveling, reading, going for long walks and playing foosball.